Paris is known for a rich history and a wide cultural heritage, once you visit it, you can see that in its stunning churches. From the iconic Notre-Dame to the Sainte-Chapelle, Paris is home to some of the most beautiful churches in the world. If you are a history or architecture lover, we’ll guide in this article to take a closer look at some churches and what makes them worth a visit.

Notre-Dame: The so called Heart of Paris
Notre-Dame de Paris, or simply Notre-Dame, is one of the most famous churches in the world. It sits on the Île de la Cité in the heart of Paris and has been a part of the city’s skyline for over 800 years.

The church is known for its Gothic architecture, including its flying buttresses, pointed arches, and intricate sculptures. But it’s also a symbol of Paris’s religious and political history, having served as a place of worship, a symbol of power, and a cultural landmark over the centuries.

Unfortunately, after the famous fire in 2019, Notre-Dame is currently undergoing renovations, it is closed for visitors, but it is still widely visited by tourists. You can still admire its astonishing facade but you can’t enter to see its interior. Hopefully there are also so many virtual guides in Paris where you can take an inside tour of the church using virtual reality.

Sainte-Chapelle: A Jewel of Gothic Architecture
Not so far from Notre-Dame and on the same isle in the other side, Sainte-Chapelle, is another stunning landmark of Gothic architecture. It was built in the 13th century as a private chapel for King Louis IX.

This church is known for its stained-glass windows, which cover almost the entire surface of the walls and create an almost ethereal atmosphere inside the church. The is stories from the Bible drawn on the windows, from the creation of the world to the last judgment, simply some of the most beautiful stained-glass windows that you can ever see in a church.

The Sacré-Cœur Basilica
It is one of best landmarks in Paris, its position offers you stunning views of the city from its perch atop Montmartre Hill. It was built the late 19th century. Mostly famous for its white stone facade and intricate details and its interior with stained-glass windows and beautiful frescoes. We believe it is also a must see landmark of Paris.

Église Saint-Sulpice
It is one of the largest churches and located in the heart of the city. Known for its neoclassical facade and beautiful stained-glass windows. If you are fan of Dan Brown books, you will recognize its association with the popular novel “The Da Vinci Code,” which already added to its fame. Its intricate architecture include the twin towers and grand interior, complete with frescoes, sculptures, and impressive organ.

There are still numerous churches that we can’t site in details in this article, some of the most known are:
– Église de la Madeleine
– Église Saint-Eustache
– Église Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais
– Église Saint-Roch

Paris is home to many beautiful and historically significant churches. Whether you’re a history buff, an architecture lover, or simply looking for a beautiful place to visit, the churches of Paris are definitely worth a visit.


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