Paris is a dream destination for many people, but it is quite expensive to visit. However, with a little planning and research, it is possible to enjoy Paris on a budget. In this guide, we will show you how to have an amazing time without bleeding cash.

Budget-friendly hotels and Airbnb alternatives are available in the city, you should mostly book your accommodation in advance and try to avoid high tourist season because prices may really go up.

Food and Drink:
Eating out in Paris can be expensive. But if you look closely, and with little research each time you want to eat, you will find that there are plenty of budget-friendly options available in the city. Wether you look for a café, a bar or a restaurant, you can follow several mobile apps to find cheaper and better places.

You can enjoy most of Paris landmarks for free, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Luxembourg Gardens. There are many places to visit without any fees for entry, and most of the parks are free already. By doing a little research, you can also find affordable options for some attractions.

Getting around in Paris can also add up to your budget. Since calling a taxi or renting a car may are expensive, most tourists there prefer using the metro or bus system. Its is an affordable way to get around the city, but also something that you should experience in Paris since it’s well known with its sophisticated and very developed metro and train system. You can also save money by purchasing a travel card for hop on hop off tourist buses or using bike-sharing services.

Paris can be an expensive city to visit, but it is still possible to have a great and saving you money. You can easily find budget-friendly options for accommodation, food, and transport, and by taking advantage of free activities and low-cost attractions. What is most important is to plan and research months before your visit, choose wisely your visiting season and trust me you can enjoy all that this beautiful city without spending a fortune.


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